Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement (Notice)

Personal Data Protection Policy (PDPP)

The policy at the hand was updated on the 20/09/2022

The Privacy Statement (Notice) is referred to services the business, as s Data Controller, provides through the website and determines the collection limits, processing (editing), of personal data use received by clients/visitors/users or which they concede (by giving their data to the business: either through transaction with business, or by filling in communication form of the business mail, or interacting with the business on the social media accounts, or through the website, or through smart phones as well as smart applications-apps).

The Personal Data Protection Policy has to do with the collection, processing, use of possible personal data belonging to users, to our clients, our employees, collaborators, and suppliers with the intention of all of them being safeguarded that the business operates in a safe as well as trustworthy way according to the definitions of the union legislation (General Regulation of Data Protection 679/2016EE) as well as the national legislation (L. 4624/2019). By this Policy, the above-mentioned data subjects are sufficiently notified about this processing etc., in accordance with arrangements of articles 12, 13, 14 GDPR.

The Personal Data Subjects’ protection (our clients, visitors of our website, internet users, our employees, our freelance (independent) collaborators and so on) is significant to the “Summer Escapes” enterprise.

The firm sees to the structure and position in power of different texts (Political) useful for the subject information, depending on the contextually more specific matters (Terms of use of the website, Cookies Policy etc.) or depending on the Subject category (internal personnel information, Policy concerning Resumes (CVs), Clear Desk Policy, Data Processing Agreements etc.).

This Policy (Privacy Notice-Personal Data Protection Policy) notifies about Personal Data collection internships by the company through its business activities and transactions but also its website and it indicatively includes: a) the data categories the enterprise possibly collects, keeps, processes, b) the purpose of their collection, c) the legalizing basis of their process, d) the persons’ categories to whom data are made known, as well as the rights the Subjects have. “Summer Escapes” makes any possible effort for the Personal Data protection, provided the data Subjects provide us with, are accurate and true. In addition, this Policy describes the security measures the enterprise receives, in order to protect the confidentiality of Data and provide guarantees about actions from which the enterprise will abstain.

At “Summer Escapes” we think that the protection of private life and the Subjects’ Data (hereto: our clients, visitors of our website, web users) are of the integral significance and we are committed to provide individualized services which are in accordance with the forenamed subjects, in such a way that their private life in ensured. Personal information (Personal Data) is exclusively used by the enterprise and its protectors (administration, employees, executives, partners etc.), in order to reciprocate your requirements and serve you better, according to the present Policy.

The individuals who administer Subjects’ personal information, who this Policy concerns, are trained for the use of suitable procedures. The spokespersons and the service providers of the enterprise keep your personal information confidential, and they never use it for any other purposes than those which attend to the provision of specific services by the enterprise.

On some occasions you might be asked about whether the enterprise would be able to share information with other third-party trustworthy ones. We will inform Subjects that before or during the moment of information collection, about whether such sort of common use of information is expected with some third-party ones. The enterprise will determine the types of businesses on the relevant point of information collection, will describe the kind of information it will forward (such as an address or email belonging to Subjects) and will transmit data only if a Data Subject gives consent to doing so.

The sole Proprietorship of the trade name “Summer Escapes”, which is located in Iraklion Crete in Captain Manolis Badouvas street, number 6, Post Code71307, with TIC (tax identification code) 103515249 of Iraklion Tax Office and General Electronic Commercial Registry (GECR) number: 164609927000, cell phone +30 6999412140, landline phone: +30 2810299236, email:, collects abides by, processes and transmits Subjects’ personal data, either to exercise (fulfill) its domains and abidance of its conventional obligations towards Subjects as well as the realization of its electronic services plus the fulfillment of its legal obligations, following Subjects’ explicit consent. For the purpose of the present Policy, “summer Escapes” is the Data Controller, within the meaning of the article 4 number 7 of the general Data protection Regulation 679/2016 EU. The management and protection of Personal Data specifically the visitors’/users’ of the webpage, owned by Data Controller, excisable to the hereby Policy as well as to the relevant European Regulation arrangements 6792016 EU for the Personal Data Protection (GDPR), R. 4624/2019, and in the more specific text of the Terms’ Use. The hereby terms are formulated, considering both the rapid technology development, specifically of the Internet, and the existing legal adjustments lattice with regard to these issues.

The website, is not going to proceed to any illicit use without your president approval, following the principles of personal data protection provided by the relevant laws and international covenants. Our website under no circumstances does it reveal, publicize nor exchange any personal data as well as information Subjects may confide. Additionally, no personal information nor visitors’/users’ data are forwarded to any other carried nor business or partners, nor relative to, their emails generally, any other piece of information with the exception of the fact that the Subject has explicitly been informed and given consent to doing so.

They meanings and the definitions included in the hereby Privacy Policy bear the meaning which is determined in the EU regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the 27th of April 2016 Council as well as in the rest Legislation about Personal Data Protection. More specifically:

What “GDPR” is – Current Legislation: GDPR (General Protection Regulation-General Data Protection Regulation about Data Protection”, EU regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the 27th of April 2016 Council, from this day forward (henceforth) “The Regulation”) concerns the conformation of an undivided legislative framework for the processing of personal Data in the European Union member-states and it takes the place of the previous legislature (guideline 95/46/EK). The protection of natural persons against Personal data Processing is a fundamental prerogative (right). The article 8 paragraph 1 of the European Union Fundamental Rights Chart (“Chart”) and the article 16 paragraph 1 of the Treaty about commission of the European Union (TFEU) determine that every person is entitled to the Personal Data Protection which concerns them. The Regulation is binding in every region and is in prompt power in every member state (that is no specific adaption of the National legislation is required, article 83 of the Regulation).

What are Personal Data: The term “Personal Data” refers to natural persons’ information, such as full name, postal address, email, telephone number and so on, which specify or can specify your identity, henceforth “Personal Data or Data”.

What is Personal Data Processing: Every single deed or sequence of deeds accomplished with or without automated means, concerning Personal Data or sets Personal Data, such as collection, registration, planning, structure, storage, adjustment or modification, retrieval, information search, usage, publication through transmission, dissemination or any other form of disposal, correlation or compound, confinement, deletion, or destruction.

What is a Controller: A Controller is a natural or legal person, a public authority, an agency, a corporation, or another carrier that single-handedly or jointly with others, determines aims and the Personal Data processing way.  

What is Data Processor: A Data Processor is a natural or a legal person, a public authority, an agency, a corporation, or another carrier that process Personal Data on behalf or the Controller.

The personal Data administration “Summer Escapes”, either through communication, or by transaction or through the website or in any other way possible to your interacting with us, may hand, or it may even be optional. If you refused to concede the data, which are highlighted as obligatory on the website, it will be possible for the basic aim of collecting specific Data to be achieved and the provision of the Services of your corporation which are available on the website may, for instance made impossible.

Providing us with your personal information, you declare that you accept the hereby Privacy Policy/Personal Data Protection Policy and you agree that it is possible that we may collect, store, process and make your personal information and your data known, in the way we extensively refer to in the hereby Privacy Policy/Personal Data Protection Policy. In case you disagree to this fact or/and the hereby Privacy Policy/Personal Data Protection Policy, please, do not provide us with your personal information and your Data.

The amount of pieces of the information included of the concept of Personal Data of the Personal Data Protection regulation and their collection is not stipulated by law or attachment or contract performance, are collected by “Summer Escapes”, through the hereby website, only in case you select explicitly consent.

More specifically: a) information you provide us with either during the transaction-procedure of receiving (booking) accommodation services and check in or through our website or different methods of our services prominence, b) information we collect by automated, and c) information we collect by other sources.

Identification Data: full name, nationality, identity or passport number, date of birth, telephone number.

Communication Data: postal address, email address, telephone number.

Transaction data:  TIN (Tax Identification Number (Code), kind, location, time of provided products or services, information about check in and check out, ways of payment and any other relevant piece of information.

Contractual Behavior Data: contractual documents, information sheets (handouts), and consent sheets, electronic volition statements.

Commercial Behavior Data: information concerning interests, preferences and event participation, survey etc., profile and preference information following your prior consent giving (e.g., services you desire, room/property preference, eating (nutrition) preferences, other preferences that arise by your behavior (attitude), comments, your choices or suggestions during your previous stay, subscriptions in programs of loyalties etc.

Health Data: because of the Covid-19 pandemic, health data may be collected.

We also collect information through automated methods (by your computer or mobile device when you visit us or when you make use of our webservices etc., such as Internet Protocol address, computer or mobile operating system, type of web browser, device type, unique (unitary) device identifier UDID or mobile equipment identifier MEID, device serial number, advertisement identifiers).

Our website may possibly collect information about the precise location of a device, through technologies such as GPS, Wi-Fi etc., with the exception of the fact that you have duly adjusted your device or browser. If you do not wish to allow the collection, our website may not function (operate) in full gear.

We may even collect information about you by cooperating companies or service providers, such as travel agencies, tourist agents, booking systems, tourist, or travel platforms.

We might receive information using a cookie file, which is stored in your browser or in your computer hard drive. For information about the way we use cookies, please refer to the Cookie Policy. We do not collect, nor do we gain access under any circumstances exception of the time span of the COVID-19 pandemic, due to strike instructions by the Health Ministry or Data having to do with criminal (penal) convictions and offences of our clients.

The Subject is obliged to abstain from provision of such Data pertaining to them or third-party data subjects (with the exception of the time period of the COVID-19 pandemic, owing the strict guidelines by the Ministry of Health). In case a subject proceeds to a particular provision of such Data in the corporation, they will be deleted just ask they come to our attention (with the exception of the time period of the Covid-19 pandemic, due to strike instructions by the Health Ministry). At “Summer Escapes” we take no responsibility towards Subjects -counterparties of ours or third parties for any provision or/and process of sensitive Data by the Subject. On many occasions, the provision is essential by the very Subject of certain Personal Data wait are indicated in the respective data insertion on the website of the corporation.

At “Summer Escapes” we may possibly collect and store the following personal information about the subject by the restrictively reported sources below:

Communication Data, when the subject contacts us to pose questions or ask for information (“COMMUNICATIOS”) relevant to the services the enterprise provides.

Data of identification, communication transactions, contractual relationship, and transactional behavior, when the Subject proceeds to room or villa booking etc., or “closure” of service, regardless of the means by which this is realized (electronically through phone call, through customer reception etc.).

Identification, communication of transactions, contractual relationship, and transactional behavior Data, when the Subject concludes a contract or with us for the provision of any kind of services “Summer Escapes
“ offers.

Identification, communication of transactions, contractual relationship, and transactional behavior, when the Subject proceeds to electronic purchases of product or services “Summer Escapes” provides.

Health Data, by questionnaires that are possibly imposed to be filled in owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and at the request of the Ministry of Health.

The Data we collect through the transaction with the Subject or through that here by website, may also be combined with data provided in other situations, for instance, when the subject calls the phone operator of the enterprise or when they participate in context and promotional activities. The Personal Data given to the corporation in these occasions, may be so blended in existing databases and be stored, with a view to simplify the management systems of your data.

“Summer Escapes” do not store, nor do they collect the payment figures during the electronic or online payments by credit, debit, or prepaid cards. Specifically, by the number registration (entry), the safety code of the owner’s full name and the expiration day of the debit or credit card as well as the payment completion, these data are automatically forwarded (transmitted) to the Bank in charge. The Bank collects the data and carries out payments plus it consequently confirms the completion of the transaction to the enterprise.

The data are subject to processing by the corporation in as much as this is necessary for: a) the purposes of the contractual relationship fulfillment with the Subjects, e.g., in order to manage reservation and accommodation requests (6 par. 1b GDPR), b) the compliance of the enterprise with its obligations on the basis of the tax, trade and generally applicable legislation, c) the purposes of vested interests the corporation pursues, e.g. in order to collect the payment for our services (6 par. 1b GDPR), d) the communication with the Subject and our promotional activities, and e) the defense of the enterprise and execution of its legal claims.

More specifically, the Personal Data use “Summer Escapes” collects from you, serves the following purposes:

Transactions: The corporation may use the Subjects’ Personal Data (clients, visitors, users) for the realization of possible transactions with them, such as payments etc.

Advertisement/Marketing: The corporation may use the Subjects’ communication Personal Data for informative purposes as well as its partner enterprises and collaborators, upon their explicit consent. You may well retract your consent anytime, either by following the instructions of registration revocation in the newsletters and our advertising and announcements, our communicating with us on our e-mail address

Improvement (betterment) and adjustment of the website: The corporation is solely going to use these pieces of information for the reasons which they were collected and to provide you with information. They will also be used to adjust the content of the website to your needs and to improve its composition, modifications, and its potential.

Provision of electronic services, through identification procedure: The corporation is going to use these pieces of information for the purpose of realizing your possible electronic request.

Credit control: At “Summer Escapes” we’re able to collect, store, transmit and generally process our clients’ or visitors’/users’ personal data when it is so required by the Personal Data Protection Regulation and/or by the Law or when this is essential, in order to protect interests of both sides, as they derive from the transactional and contractual relationship among them, or the corporation-consumer relationship.

COVID-19: for purposes of public health prevention (case tracking) and of public interest, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. in case of public health and pandemic issues we might collect, store, process and transmit (forward) sensitive Personal Data to third parties and responsible administrative authorities in order to comply with employee’s protection and safety. It is likely that you might need to refer to these third parties’
Privacy Policy.

Management of consumers’ denunciation: It is possible that we process your Personal Data to respond to a potential clients’ denunciation, to defend or stand up anyone, our enterprise or affiliate of ours or be represented, present to any Court of Law or administrative Authority concerning any such clients’ denunciation.

Clients’, visitors’ Behavior, etc.: it is possible that we may collect and process clients’, visitors’ etc. Personal Data, who indicated illegal or antisocial behavior during our transaction or their accommodation at our enclosures or caused damage or were involved in possible incidents of payment denial (refusal). This processing is indispensable for the legal interests of our enterprise.

Customer service: to respond to your specific requirements (dietary or nutritional needs etc., diets, fasting), it might be likely to collect sensitive information such as race, religion, nationality, religious and philosophical beliefs, heath information etc. In this case, we will process data only if your prior explicit consent is provided.

SIGNIFICANT SIGNALING: about the collection of personal data which does not take place electronically, through the webpages of the corporation ownership and is about employees’, potential employees’, collaborators’ concessionaries’, suppliers’, private individuals’, and more generally natural persons’ personal data processing, the Data Subjects are provided with individual written and analytical updating by the collection of the above mentioned data, on the back on the basis of the relevant obligation posed by the requirements of the articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR.

At “Summer Escapes” We store personal data only during the time required for the accomplishment of a service provision which you have asked for or given your approval, subject to the reservation of the case by case opposing predictions of the Law, as it occurs when it comes to matters which commercial and/or tax legislation, various relevant arrangements etc. govern. In any case, the Personal Data You provide us with that our captured in written agreements, contract and the e-mail relating to the execution of the contract or the procedure of a commercial transaction, are stored for a period of twenty (20) years in a physical and electronic file in the legal department, in the sales/contract department and add the accounting office of the enterprise or at any other third party that promptly or implicitly provide the above mentioned services or assist the departments in question during their project execution or may provide management services in the enterprise.

Your data are deleted as the case may be (see domestic policy of Personal Data PD conservation) and always based on the ordinances determined by the familiar Legislature.

The health data that may possibly be collected during the time span of the COVID-19 pandemic will be promptly deleted after the end of the pandemic and following the instructions of the Ministry of Health.

“Summer Escapes” does not forward personal data to third parties except for the possibility that such a thing is required for legal purposes or in order to respond to your requests or/and provided it is imposed or permitted by the law. In any case, access to your Personal Data is only allowed to authorized persons, who are required to have access so that the completion of the collections purposes, their use and processing can be feasible, as it is notified with the hereby Statement. In certain occasions, the enterprise is likely to transmit your Personal Data to Public Authorities in charge or to natural or legal persons, to whom the execution of some processing has been assigned, provided that we will inform you in advance and we will receive, your prior consent, since it is required for a contextual processing. The persons who have access to the Data are obliged to abide by their confidentiality.

We are likely to make your information public to the companies we cooperate with, to better serve you (product suppliers, service providers such as taxi, guided tours etc.). These collaborators of ours have no authorization to use or make your Personal Data public, with the exception of the possibility that it is mentioned in the hereby Privacy Policy. all the third parties in question bear the conventional obligation to the Legislation. About Personal Data Protection and are not entitled to use or make your Personal Data and your information public, apart from the fact that this is required by the law or our contracts and deals of Data Protection.

Greece is defined as place of data processing. The Subjects’ data are stored in servers in Greece and are not forwarded in third countries outside the EU  nor to international organizations that do not beer adequacy decision about Personal Data Protection. If these must be done because of the contract, it is only done subject to the conditions of GDPR (articles 44-50, for example standardized contractually clauses having been signed in combination with additional technical organizational measures, such as encryption). Additionally, in cases where prescribed by the current legislation, a Subject’s relevant, prior to the transmission, full (complete) notification will be realized, with regard to the transmission in question.

We have made data protection agreements with service providers, suppliers, or collaborators, so that they protect and safeguard your Personal Data as well as secure, in so much as it is technically end practically feasible, that there will be a sufficient level of protection by these third parties about your Personal Data, when they are in countries out of scope of GDPR.

In any case, the enterprise will rely upon aberration in specific situations (article 19 GDPR, and in particular: Subjects consent about the transmission, a transmission essential for the contract execution between enterprise and client as Subject, a transmission indispensable for the agreement or the contract execution which was made in the Subjects interests etc.).


We use IP (Internet Protocol) addresses for the trend analysis add the Internet use, for the management of resources of computers and our network, for the surveillance of possible not permitted illegal or devious activities (attacks) and for the collection of general demographic information (country of origin) for centralist use.

The IP Addresses, by which the client’s/visitor’s/user’s Electronic Computer (PC) has access to the Internet and then to the website is stored and possibly utilized by the webpage on behalf of the client/visitor/user.

The Internet, just as every means used for information transference cannot be considered 100% safe. safety on the Internet constitutes a sensitive matter and is mainly based on trustworthy organizations and enterprises which respect they confidentiality and safety of the Subject’s data. “Summer Escapes” tries to maintain strict safety and control measures for protection of your personal information, so that compliance will all the applicable legal requirements is safeguarded.

At the corporation we implement security measures, add technical and organizational level with the intention of the data security we have collected by subjects, against any voluntary or involuntary (unintentional) attempt, handling, loss, destruction or more generally access by an unauthorized person. The security measures are subject to constant retesting and reformations, according to the most recent technological development. “Summer Escapes” uses the latest encryption and information protection gear (tools) (encryption 256-bit, save pages, network-firewall protection system, digital signatures and so on).

Access to Subjects’ Personal Data is only confined to the authorized employees of ours to it, to provide you with products and services, who get in contact with these data. Natural, electronic, and procedural safety valves have been activated, which are attuned to the Subjects’ Personal Data protection regulations. “Summer Escapes” takes every possible precaution, so that the personal data can be secure and safe. Nevertheless, due to the nature of the Internet, the corporation is not able to guarantee the communication protection or the stored data in browsers by possible arbitrary third parties’ access.

All the information provided to us are stored at our secure servers. The payment transactions would be enciphered, according to the Security Protocol 3D Secure: to ensure the online card transactions, the Merchant Services Payment Link Agency fully supports the security protocol 3D secure. It implements the client’s strong identification (Strong Customer Authentication-SCA) which decreases fraud risk in electronic transactions. Likewise, usage of the Security Electronic Environment of Worldline take place: the data of the client’s card are transferred to the secure environment of worldline and are not stored in our systems. Eurobank systems are protected by a powerful (strong) Firewall of the latest technology. Furthermore, The client’s data are protected by TLS protocol (transport layer security) by encryption 256bit (

If you communicate with “Summer Escapes” through the Internet, then we may occasionally use e-mail or telephone number to contact you, given you have provided so by your own volition. you should be aware of the fact that online communications, such as e-mail messages etc., are not safe, unless they have been encrypted. The enterprise bears no responsibility about any nonauthorized access or loss of your personal information which is beyond its control.

Any transmission through the Internet bears the client’s/user’s/visitor’s responsibility.

Our website ( has been designed and intended for use by adults. if you are underage, below the age limit by which parental consent is required in your country (in Greece this limit is above 15 years of age -L.4624/2019), You must check out the terms of the hereby policy, in consultation with your parent or legal guardian, to be assured you comprehend and accept these terms.

In case it is ascertained that we have gathered information by an underage person without their parent’s/legal guardian’s consent, whereas such consent should have been received, we will delete their information as soon as possible.

In case a client/visitor/user contacts us through the communication form or in any other way, provision of any personal data on behalf of the Subject, is given voluntarily and exclusively of their own free will. We will process the specified provided personal data only in as much as it is a and essential for the specific purpose.

It is likely that within the Webpage of the enterprise a possibility of sharing on Social Networks and other relevant tools which allow you to share your actions within the Webpage with other applications, web pages, or mass media and vice versa, be offered. The use of such characteristics allows the exchange of information with your friends or the general public depending on the settings defined on your personal profile. Please refer to the privacy policy of these social networks services for further information about how (the way) they operate your data.

The Webpage of the enterprise may possibly contain links towards other webpages. The hereby Policy is only in effect in respect to the client’s/visitor’s/user’s access to the hereby Webpage, but also to other webpages “Summer Escapes” manages exclusively. Under no circumstances does the administrator of the hereby website bear any responsibility about the terms of Personal Data Protection of other Internet sites, which are under responsibility of other bodies (natural or legal entities).

You are kindly requested not to send and not to reveal to us your sensitive personal data through e-mail, by the communication platform use ( ), except for the fact that (e.g. dietary preferences and facilitations about the health matters) they serve the processing purpose (reservation, accommodation, etc.). The data processing of personal data of this category does not under any circumstances serve the processing purpose, as it is defined in the hereby Policy.

The telecommunications of “Summer Escapes” with you are not monitored nor are they recorded. The among us emails are stored in the servers or on our computers for as long as it is prescribed in the Domestic Policy of Personal Data conservation (PD) always on the basis of the provisions defined by the applicable legislation. Any client messages on our answering machine are recorded after each client’s consent and are deleted immediately after the request registration or the client’s data on their file, therefore the domestic Conservation Policy of Personal Data (PD) will be applicable.

“Summer Escapes” maintains the right to modify our occasionally reconsidered the hereby policy, at its absolute discretion. in case of modifications occur, the corporation will record the modification date or reconsideration in the hereby Policy so the updated document will be applicable to you from that date onwards. we encourage you to at times study the hereby Policy, in order to scan if there are any alterations in the way we administer your Personal Data.

For any dispute which may arise between client/visitor/user and “Summer Escapes”, Applicable law is considered the Greek one and competent courts of dispute resolution are the competent authority courts of the city of Iraklion Crete.

According to the personal data protection regulation (EU general data protection regulation (GDPR) 2016/679), As applicable, you have, as data subject the following rights: a) the access right, b) the editing right, c) the right of data deletion, under certain circumstances, as in case the processing is no longer essential for the purpose which they were initially collected and there is no authoritative reason for us to continue processing them (or storing them), d) the right of their processing constraint, e) the right to the data Portability to another Processing Controller under specific occasions and provided that this will be technically and financially feasible, f) the right of objection and your right not to be subject to a decision made exclusively based on automated (computerized) processing, including profiling, g) the denunciation right to the supervisory Authority, and h) the right to consent revocation.

Namely, you have the right to receive free of charge edification about the stored personal data, concerning you, on request, to protect objections about the data processing having to do with you on request, being in force for the future and revocation of your consent as well as according to the current provisions, the editing right, of processing constraint, of data transmission, of deletion of the data in question and of denunciation to a supervisory Authority. You are kindly requested to address to the Processing Controller in writing with the relevant letter or through fax or by e-mail in this cases.

In order to protect your confidentiality and personal data, we may ask you to provide us with identification, to respond to your request. more specifically, if we have reasonable doubts about your real identity, it is likely that we ask you to provide us with a copy of your identity card you or your passport or information about your stay at hotels, rooms to let, villas, etc., as well as the record (registration) number, the booking confirmation, they check in and departure dates or other useful pieces of information (e.g. possible activities which collaborators of our enterprise). In case we do not receive such information, we may refuse to offer an answer to your request.

In case you are of the opinion that the data processing concerning you, violates the regulation (EU)2016/679, you have the right to submit a denouncement to a supervisory Authority. Competent supervisory Authority of Greece is the data protection authority,1-3 Kifissia’s Avenue, 11523, Athens, tel. 2106475600.

The enterprise notifies that, if you have any questions or recommendations in regard to the hereby policy, you may address us to the above-mentioned address.

Publication 9/2022