Cookies Policy

“Cookies” are datafiles or written accounts of information which are created by websites as we visit them. They are like small text files where information is usually coded or codified. These files as well as the information contained in them, are created by the computer static web page (server).

Cookies may stem from the website which users have visited or from another one (third-party cookies), as for instance through commercials or advertisements. It has been proved that third-party cookies collect information about each user’s attitude on the internet, something that arouses significant questions about privacy. This is what urged the European Union and the USA to release instructions as for their use and the users’ briefing on every website used. There are programs that sweep away the malicious cookies, while, in case a user desires to delete them, this feasibility is possible through the browser. These data files include data which allow the web site to “recall” important information, so that navigation for the user/visitor can be more effective and useful. Our website uses cookies for various purposes. We use the cookie-technology and the IP addresses for the acquisition of non personal/private information as for users/visitors of our website in order to provide our users/visitors with individualized experience.

How we use cookies:

The users/visitors of the website use different navigation software on the internet and on different computers. For the purpose of facilitating their visits more, we automatically record the type of the navigation program(me) and the operation system the user/visitors uses, as well as the internet service provider’s name. We also make an entry of the total number of users/visitors of the internet site in a cumulative way, so as to be able to update and improve our internet site. Through this procedure, no output of personal information is carried out. Such data indicate to us whether more visitors prefer specific functions or parts of the internet site to others, which helps us keep our site updated/informed of new material which is of interest to the majority of our users/visitors. More specifically, the kinds of cookies we use are:

  1. Absolutely essential for the functioning of the webpage and the recognition of users (bare necessities):
    The essentials, otherwise, absolutely essential cookies, are of profound significance for the proper functioning of our internet site, they allow users/visitors to browse and use functions such as: access to safe sites or fields or use of the shopping cart. Without these cookies we are in no position to offer effective functioning of our internet site.
  2. Technical cookies:
    The internet site uses the so called “technical cookies”, that is small text files which contain a define multitude of information which is exchanged between the website and the navigation program(me) of the user’s/visitor’s PC and thus allow the proper functioning and use of this site.
  3. Functionality cookies:The specific cookies help us identify the users’/visitors’ preferences during their navigation to our webpage, in order to be able to propose specified products which interest the users/visitors, so that they are able to locate or find what they seek in an easier and faster way.
  4. Performance (technical capability) cookies (google analytics):
    These cookies collect information concerning the performance of the pages of our internet site and help us recognize which produce are of great search traffic, which pages may face some navigation problem etc. These cookies are only used for the improvement (bettering) of our internet site as well as the users’/visitors’ easier navigation.
  5. Marketing cookies (Facebook, Pixel, AdWords):
    They present commercials to users/visitors of our internet site.
  6. Active Campaigns:
    Integrated marketing of email is only offered to users who are registered, marketing automation and CRM for small businesses. The user is able to send well made newsletters, regulate automations based on attitude and benefit from the sales’ automation.
  7. Mailchimp:
    It is about electronic marketing and automation software of trade.

Third suppliers
, including Google and Facebook, are likely to present advertising messages of on internet sites on the net, make use of cookies for notification, optimization and advertisement projection based on the user’s/visitor’s previous visit on the webpage

How we use cookies to individualize the user’s/visitor’s experience on our internet site: The cookie technology helps us provide material that suits a user’s/visitor’s interests and allows us to facilitate, for the sake of our users/visitors, the sign-up and participation in raffles and competitions and access to other functions available on our internet site. Wherever permitted, we may, in such cases interrelate personal information with some cookie file.

What happens if you don’t want or desire cookies: In case you don’t desire cookies, you may, through the special banner billowing, select each time which of the settings you desire on your computer ACCEPT ALL/COOKIE SETTINGS/REJECT ALL.

Cookie deactivation on your browser: The web browsers are usually tuned so as to accept all cookies. If you wish, it is feasible to tune your own browser so that it does not accept cookies at a specific internet site, to be notified when it stores cookies or not to accept cookies at all. However, if you choose to deactivate cookies on the webpage, it is possible that we may not be able to provide you with all the functions that are offered on our internet site correctly. The rejection of cookies may influence your capacity to use some of the products/services on our internet site. For instance, the commentary service won’t be able to know if you have been logged on, therefore it is possible that you may now be able to make comments. To learn more about the cookie settings on different browsers, the following links may seem useful to you. Alternatively, click on the selection “Help” of your browser or refer to the information of the specific program(me).

Useful links for cookies:

Settings on commercials on Google:

Cookie handling of advertising agencies for the USA:

Cookie handling (management) of advertising agencies for the EU:

All about cookies –

[cookie_audit columns=”cookie,description” heading=”The below list details the cookies used in our website.”]

What are the webbeacons and how we can use them: Some of the webpages and the informative e-mails of may contain electronic (digital) images, called webbeacons, also known as archives GIF type of a pixel, clear archives GIF type or pixel tags. Their use on the internet site allows the headcount of users/visitors, who have had access to the pages of Their use on forwarding e-mails of products/services as well as on newsletters enables us to count how many of the membership users have read the material (hardware) we send. The webbeacons allow us to develop statistic information concerning activities and functions which are of more interest to our users/visitors, so that we can provide individualized material. They are not used for access to private information without your consent.

The General Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes an arrangement (ordinance) about cookies as well: Specifically, it is due (expected) that: “Natural persons may be connected by online identification details […] such as online protocol addresses, cookie identifiers or other detail identifiers […]. These may leave traces which, especially when combined with unique identity details as well as other information servers receive, can be used so as to create natural persons’ portrayal (profile)” and acknowledge their identity”. This means that, if cookies are capable of identifying a natural person, then they are subject to GDPR. Not all cookies are capable of identifying a person, but most of them can, if combined with third sources. In order to consent to the GDPR we either do not collect cookies, which can identify a natural person, or we entrench a sufficient and legal (licit) reason for the collection and processing (editing) of these pieces of information.

Latest briefing: 7/2022